The Alliance for Positive Change: Minority Mental Health Awareness

The Alliance for Positive Change: Minority Mental Health Awareness

Behavioral Health Education and Engagement Newsletter July 2019

Founded in 2008, Minority Health Awareness Month set out to bring awareness to the struggles of the underrepresented populations suffering from mental illness in the United States. Why do we care? Approximately 46.6 million adults in the United States face the reality of managing a mental illness every day.

Hydrate your brain for a Mental Health Boost!

Summer is here and with the heat comes all of its challenges such as dehydrate which can have a negative impact on the brain. When the temperature rises it can cause you to sweat and with that you lose water. When you are dehydrated, you are at risk for difficulties  with your Mental Health such as:

  1. Mood changes: Anxiety
  2. Fatigue/Difficulties focusing
  3. Delirium (in severe cases of dehydration)


To properly function, the brain needs a certain amount of water. So this summer, Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! Changes in the season can affect our Mental Health. I challenge you to discover your sense of purpose and have fun. Allow yourself to act purposefully while letting go and having fun.

Summer Essentials:

  1. Get out of the house and wear sunscreen.
  2. Drink 8 oz of water a day.
  3. On the go? Grab a water bottle to go!
  4. Rest & Repeat!

If you find yourself struggling this summer, BHEE is here to help. We provide individual education and support with a Behavorial Health Educator. You will also have the support of a Peer Navigator, someone with lived experience.

BHEE Mission & Vision:

Our mission is helping our clients to live a Hope and Empowered life while living POSITIVE. We believe that through education and support we can bring about change in our clients. Our goal is to help our clients gain access supportive services that are available. We encourage them to live their best life and embrace all that they are and all that they aspire to be. Taking steps to stand up, rise up, clean up and make Positive Changes.

Website: (Contact: 212-645-0875 x447 ) Email:

Alliance Locations:

*Midtown Central: 64 West 35th Street NY, NY 10001

*Casa Washington Heights: 2036 Amsterdam Avenue NY, NY  10032

*Keith Haring East Harlem Center: 315 East 104th Street NY, NY  10029

Disclaimer: This information was taken directly from the Alliance for Positive Change Newsletter and I give them full credit for the information. Please call their numbers or email them for more information.


About jwatrel

I am a free-lance writer and Blogger. I am the author of the book "Firehouse 101" ( 2005) part of trilogy of books centered in New York City. My next book "Love Triangles" is finished being edited and should be ready for release in the Fall. My latest book, "Dinner at Midnight", a thriller is on its last chapter. My long awaited book explains the loss of the 2004 Yankee game to Boston. I work as a Consultant, Adjunct College Professor, Volunteer Fireman and Ambulance member and Blogger. I have a blog site for caregivers called 'bergencountycaregiver', a step by step survival guide to all you wonderful folks taking care of your loved ones, a walking project to walk every block, both sides, of the island of Manhattan "MywalkinManhattan" and discuss what I see and find on the streets of New York and three sites to accompany it. One is an arts site called "Visiting a Museum", where I showcase small museums, historical sites and parks that are off the beaten track both in Manhattan and outside the city to cross reference with "MywalkinManhattan" blog site. Another is "DiningonaShoeStringNYC", featuring small restaurants I have found on my travels in this project, that offer wonderful meals for $10.00 and under. So be on the lookout for updates on all three sites and enjoy 'MywalkinManhattan'. The third is my latest site, "LittleShoponMainStreet", which showcases all the unique and independent shops that I have found on my travels throughout and around Manhattan. I have started two new blog sites for the fire department, one "EngineOneHasbrouck HeightsFireDepartmentnj" for the Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department to discuss what our Engine Company is doing and the other is "BergenCountyFireman'sHomeAssociation" for the Bergen County Fireman's Association, which fire fighters from Bergen County, NJ, go to the Fireman's Home in Boonton, NJ to bring entertainment and cheer to our fellow brother fire fighters quarterly.
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1 Response to The Alliance for Positive Change: Minority Mental Health Awareness

  1. jwatrel says:

    Please call the Alliance directly for more information on the program.

    Liked by 1 person

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